Student Experiences


Taarini Singh
Brown University, Class of 2027
Modern School, Vasant Vihar

Ed Sanctuary was literally a sanctuary for me. In the two years I was involved with them, the team not only helped me navigate the daunting college application process, but also offered me moral support when I struggled with the weight on my shoulders. Together, we were able to curate the perfect application that reflected the ‘real me’ and got me into my dream university!

The entire team worked together, complementing one another’s strengths, which made the process fun, personal and wholesome. Their unwavering patience as well as persistent efforts encouraged me to follow my passions, engage in interesting community service projects and package myself in exactly the right way. Their guidance helped me get through inevitable community service, innumerable standardised tests and never-ending essays.

Having been a writer my whole life, I had very strong ideas about the way I wanted my essays to read. Malavika sat with me for hours until my true emotions were reflected in the words and my own voice could be heard through the stories we strung together. The rest of the team worked behind the scenes to proofread the essays and polish them until they could shine no more. This group effort was the reason I was able to send in essays that I am so proud of today!

Where I am and what I have achieved would not be possible without Ed Sanctuary and for that, I will be forever grateful to them!

Sifat Sayal
Stanford University, Class of 2027
Modern School, Vasant Vihar

I started my journey with Ed Sanctuary in the middle of 10th grade. At the time, I was losing myself in the phrase “do something you are passionate about” – something I heard from everyone I approached before Ed Sanctuary.

Here, they sat with me, brainstormed, and made me realise that it is okay to not always know what you want to be. With many interests and passions scattered around, the team understood me better than I was able to understand myself, and helped me build my own story.

The way the team helped me during the essay process by making me reflect on what truly mattered to me. Learning how to express myself in the most meaningful way not only helped the college get to know me better but also helped me gain better insights into myself.

At Ed Sanctuary, you always have someone to reach out to, give you moral support, vent about your apprehensions and seek guidance. They make this daunting process of college applications a lot less intimidating.

Stanford would never have been possible without the trust and confidence that the team had in me and for that, I will always be grateful!

Devansh Saraf
NYU Tisch School of the Arts (Class of 2027)
Modern School, Vasant Vihar

I started my journey to college with a very focused plan to major in Business, which the counsellors at Ed Sanctuary started helping me work towards. However, during our discussions, they supported my passion for film, and encouraged me to follow my ambition.

After many lengthy discussions with my parents and even my extended family, we were able to settle on a plan that allowed me to follow my dreams while providing the security of a reliable fall-back. The efforts they put into my profile, application, and essays were crucial and the extra support they provided for my artistic endeavours was invaluable.

Their emotional support and help with time management allowed me to excel despite difficult circumstances. Without them, it would have been impossible for me to achieve my dreams.

Sree Gaur
NYU Stern (Class of 2026)
DPS, RK Puram

I embarked on my college applications journey with Ed Sanctuary towards the end of 10th grade, with great apprehension and fear about my future. Their entire team helped me mold my college applications towards a direction of utmost perfection. 

Unlike other organizations, they encouraged me to work with my passions and interests to come up with innovative and prolific projects that truly reflected the ‘real me’. Despite the constraints generated by the pandemic, Ed Sanctuary helped me view the time as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. Through extensive discussions on zoom, we as a team, materialized the pandemic towards our own benefit. 

Their entire team has exceptional qualities and talents that made me conclusively extremely confident with my application process. They helped me work on my weaknesses such as time management and putting myself out there in the world. Even though it felt arduous in the initial times, I came out as a confident individual, equipped with the social skills I never imagined to have. 

Especially during the essay writing process, Malavika helped me bring out all my true thoughts and emotions and gave it a personalized and meaningful touch, which no other individual could have done. 

Due to their invaluable and prodigious guidance, I was admitted to my dream school- NYU Stern School of Business in the Early Decision round and was also given an offer at Babson College. My family and I are eternally grateful for their efforts and hardwork.

UC Berkeley (Class of 2026)
DPS RK Puram

Ed Sanctuary has not only helped me get into my dream college, but also develop a sense of professional work ethic. This journey has given me a chance at a great education and also improved my communication skills.

Here, every member of the team brings something unique to the team, each one working like a gear in a clock. As someone who only began on this path towards the middle of my 11th-grade year, I was completely unsure of what I was going to do after my schooling. Ed Sanctuary helped me bring out my interests and goals, and work towards them.

The best part of my experience here was how instead of doing the work for you, like other counseling organisations, they worked with me. I also liked how the team wasn’t just all work, and occasionally talked about other common interests as well.

Through the combined efforts I was able to secure admission at UC Berkeley for one of their most competitive majors; Economics. I also got accepted by other prominent universities like Boston University, Babson College, Emory University, and more.


My college application journey started with zero motivation and general uncertainty about what I wanted to do in the future. The formerly illustrious goal of getting into my dream university seemed futile when I myself didn't know what I hoped to achieve. From a passion for film to an inclination towards coding, the seemingly unrelated nature of these two subjects made everything all the more confusing. This paired with the pandemic disrupting the traditional application process resulted in a rather despondent outlook on my end.

Ed Sanctuary helped me realize my indecisiveness wasn't a drawback, but one of my greatest strengths. Together, we were able to craft the perfect applications balancing my love for cinematic arts and my aptitude for computer sciences. The guidance provided to me by the team has not only helped me get into my dream university but also taught me to be the best version of myself.

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At Ed Sanctuary, I found the kind of guidance I needed: personalised, honest and most importantly, fun! My application truly reflected my interests, hobbies, and quirks, which only stood out completely through brainstorming with the team. Each person brings their unique skill sets that hone your application and help different parts of it come together as a whole. Not only do they help you find opportunities that you would have otherwise missed, but also assist in bringing out the most from the activities you’re already pursuing. If you’re like me and are probably going to procrastinate on your essays, they’ve got your back and the whole process might just turn out to be thrilling. I am grateful to each person who supported me and made my dream of going to Johns Hopkins University come true.

duke university (Class of 2025)
Modern School, Vasant Vihar

Starting to work on my applications in the 12th was a daunting task. Yet, eight months, numerous ideas, multiple essays, and zoom calls later, I was accepted at almost all the colleges I applied to and was spoiled for choice thanks to Ed Sanctuary. Although I have never met any of the team members in person, their constant support and help in building my CV in a short span of 8 months was truly commendable. Malavika, Kajal ma’am, and Sapna ma’am’s enthusiasm is what got me excited about the college application process, something that I had feared starting for a long time. The personal attention that they pay to each project, each essay, and each little detail is what makes Ed Sanctuary special. Whether it was me coming up with another idea in the middle of one essay or me trying to put my hands in multiple different projects, they helped me streamline my work and present it in the best possible way. 

Their efforts and motivation helped me get into my top choice universities in the US - Duke University, Barnard College, UCLA, and many more – and I was accepted in all 5 colleges in the UK as well!

I would have truly not been able to reach this position without their constant support and guidance.  


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Karan Kalra
University of Southern California (Class of 2025)
Modern School, Vasant Vihar

Working with Ed Sanctuary not only got me admitted to top universities around the world, but also helped me to realise my potential. When I first started my journey, I had no idea what major I wanted to pursue, or what I wanted to do. From writing innumerable essays to building up my CV to helping me with research papers, Ed Sanctuary supported me throughout the stressful journey. Rather than feeling as if I had a counsellor, it was more as if I had 3 experienced friends who were helping me with the process. From Kajal ma’am helping to with my extracurriculars to Sapna ma’am giving valuable inputs about my essays to discussing various ideas with Malavika, it was the most ideal experience, which helped me to gain admission in various colleges like USC, UCLA, Emory, U of T, UBC, King’s, Edinburgh and various others.

I have chosen to attend the University of Southern California as I feel like it’ll be the ideal place for my future!

Krrish Chawla
Stanford University (Class of 2024)
Modern School, Vasant vihar

From advising and guiding, to helping me with all the obstacles faced along the way, Ed Sanctuary has always been my backbone, the backbone that helped me get into my dream university – Stanford. I have always had too many activities and interests to deal with which became taxing at times, but Ed Sanctuary has helped me to organize and focus those interests into one common flow. All my activities contributing toward one common goal made it much easier for me to write my essays and shape my application. Along the way, they have correctly advised me to participate in the right events at the right time, making the process much more effective. They also guided me and helped me apply for the International Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards, which I won. Their personal attention and passion for perfection is what makes them so special - my essays were proofread, and polished countless times till they were shining. Without a doubt, Ed Sactuary has immensely helped me not only get into my dream school Stanford, but also many other top schools including UC Berkeley, UCLA, Georgia Tech, UIUC and many more.

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Devika Goel
Williams College (Class of 2024)
Convent of jesus and mary

The team at Ed Sanctuary helped shape my application and brought it together excellently to reflect all my strengths. Their expertise shone through while shortlisting colleges where I could truly flourish, and guiding me regarding scholarships and financial aid options I wasn't previously aware of.

Even with limited time on our hands, detailed attention was paid to every aspect of the application process, from standardised testing, publishing research papers, exploring study and career options to writing SOPs and essays.

The team at Ed Sanctuary is extremely reliable with unparalleled dedication, experience and creativity. They deeply care about each student they take under their wing and display tremendous warmth. I know I can reach out to the mentors at Ed Sanctuary, without hesitation, even after college! Due to their invaluable guidance and support, I was offered admission at my Early Decision choice Williams College with an excellent financial aid package. My parents and I will remain immensely grateful towards everyone at Ed Sanctuary.

Ishika Verma
UC Berkeley (Class of 2024)
Modern School, Vasant vihar

My experience with Ed Sanctuary was an ideal one. They not only, helped me find a direction but also, helped me build a nuanced application. With ed sanctuary, I crafted a uniquely personal social service project for which I received national recognition. Their support through every step, from formulating the products to its marketing, kept me motivated. Throughout the meticulous process of writing essays, they remained patient as I drafted numerous versions and also brainstormed with me through each one. Moreover, they nudged me to explore new avenues to add depth and dimension to my profile. Their cumulative efforts helped me get into my top choice universities including UCLA, Berkeley, Wesleyan, Babson and many more.


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Ishita Mangla
Stanford University (class of 2023)
DPS, RK Puram

From preparing for standardised tests to submitting college applications, Ed Sanctuary has guided me every step of the way. I always had too many activities on my plate and the counsellors at Ed Sanctuary played an invaluable role in streamlining the process, which led to a cohesive application. For me, the personal attention paid to every student is what makes Ed Sanctuary truly special. Whether it was feedback from Kaajal ma’am or project brainstorming with Malavika, I always felt like I wasn’t alone in the application process. My admission to my top choices — Stanford, UC Berkeley, and the University of Michigan — would not have been possible without Ed Sanctuary.

Aakanksha Garg
University of Pennsylvania (Class of 2023)
DPS, RK Puram

I had given the SAT in May, but I decided not to go ahead with my application and instead go to college in India. It was only in October that I chose to apply abroad as a backup with DU still being my first preference. With application submissions only 2 months away, many counselors were either unwilling to help me out or didn’t want to take in someone who wasn’t even sure about going abroad. That was when I found Ed Sanctuary. They not only aligned themselves according to what I wanted but were also very enthusiastic about taking up this challenge with me. They worked with me with a lot of dedication: conducting long skype calls just to get that one essay right, brainstorming with me day after day to get me to tap into my experiences, and making me confident for interviews with in-depth interview prep. They never told me that my goals were unachievable as they were realized late, instead, they helped me achieve them. Now my life has taken a 180-degree turn as not only will I not be going to DU, I’ll be going to a college which back when I started my applications so late only seemed like a distant dream, The University of Pennsylvania.



Pavil Garg
University of Southern California
(Class of 2021)
Mayo College, Ajmer

The innumerable standardised tests, the never-ending essays, hours of community service, all of this along with not letting your school grades dip, can be intimidating for anyone, and I was surely no different. The counsellors at Ed Sanctuary assisted me throughout the application process and helped me tap my true potential. The time and hard work invested into each individual's application is commendable. Every time that I visited Ed Sanctuary, either for a one-to-one with Malavika or for a brainstorming session, there was an unparalleled feeling of warmth that only boosted all our work. It was only because of the Ed Sanctuary team that I could make it to my top choice colleges. Even though I got into UC Berkeley, I chose to attend the prestigious World Bachelors in Business program at USC because of Ed Sanctuary’s deeply personalized guidance.

Gehna Rai Nandwani
University of Pennsylvania
(Class of 2020)
Modern School, VV

When I joined Ed Sanctuary, I had no idea where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do with my life. Ed Sanctuary helped me out in everything, from building up my CV, finding internships, writing a research paper and finally applying to college.

The best thing about Ed Sanctuary is their personal touch. Kajal Ma’am looked into every aspect of my application and always came up with the best ideas to make my applications stand out. She proof-read all my essays so many times until they were flawless. Malavika Ma’am is by far the coolest mentor I have had. She made even my dullest essay prompts sound so fascinating and with her, I began to enjoy the monotonous task of writing essays. Seema Ma’am’s valuable inputs also played a major role in my applications. At the end of fifteen months of brainstorming, research work, SAT’s and essays, I was accepted by my dream school, the University of Pennsylvania and placed on the waitlist at my parents’ dream school for me, which is Princeton University. Other than these two schools, I have also been accepted by many other colleges. I even applied to three colleges in UK and I was accepted by two of them.

I have decided to go to University of Pennsylvania and I know it wouldn’t have been possible without the support and guidance I received from Ed Sanctuary.



Aatiteya Chandna
Wheaton College (Class of 2020)

I always knew I wanted to study economics, but I had never really considered studying abroad. I came to Ed Sanctuary because my older sister, who was studying at Wake Forest University, thought I should explore my options. Kajal ma’am, Seema ma’am and Malavika showed me just how many options were available to me. They guided me over two years during which I started a new Anti-Bullying Club in my school, completed two internships and learned how to write about myself. Malavika made writing seem interesting, which I had never thought before. I learned a lot about myself in the process and got admission to many liberal arts colleges. With the help of the Ed Sanctuary team, I decided on Wheaton College because it is the ideal place for me to explore my future further.

Anav Vedi
Duke University (Class of 2021)

My experience with Ed Sanctuary was great. I approached them for profile building and they helped me through every step. Th team helped me analyze my strengths and weaknesses and and thus come up with an idea for a social project. They helped me execute this project perfectly, from connecting me to various people who could help me achieve my goals to editing the writing for my website. I owe Ed Sanctuary for guiding me build a strong co-curricular profile.

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